- 真空系统浸渍污水并单程排放。
- 集装箱式移动厕所具有随处即插即用的优势。
- 耐用的结构能够承受地震和台风等极端条件。
- 每次冲水用水量减少至 0.6 升。
- 与传统马桶相比,节水90%以上。
- 每小时最多支持 60 次使用,相当于每分钟一次。
- 密封管道系统可防止异味和污染。
- 专为低至 -60°C / -75°F 的极端温度而设计。
嗯……这个灵感或解决方案诞生于音乐节上的一个尴尬时刻。 尽管票价昂贵,但我们发现自己排着长队等待稀缺且糟糕的卫生间。 在外面,当嬉皮士高呼“和平与爱”时,我们踏上铺满……的地板。嗯,你懂得。
我们的高效环保厕所解决方案是通过与 Jets Group 的密切合作开发的。 这些生态高效的解决方案将集装箱的便携性和经济性与尖端的 Jets 真空卫生系统无缝结合起来。 在繁忙的活动中提供移动或永久的卫生设施。
E-TOILETS 环保高效厕所卫生系统使用空气进行污水输送。 这大大减少了用水量并排出异味,从而最大限度地减少病原体传播的风险。 垂直泵管可以减少物流成本、劳动力,节省时间和金钱。 紧凑轻巧的设计适合任何有限的空间。
凭借使用集装箱结构的优势,E-toilets 环保高效厕所提供了便携性和卓越的耐候性。
移动厕所符合建筑规范,可以像集装箱一样轻松运输,并且地基要求较低,确保在任何地点即插即用。 非常适合户外活动、军事用途、救灾和环保旅游目的地。
我们的模块化结构可以配备各种类型的卫生设施,充分满足多样化的移动卫生需求。 100%工厂预制方式,实现标准化生产,保证成本控制和高品质产品。
无论是作为临时移动厕所、永久公共服务设施,还是按次付费厕所,我们相信E-Toilets 厕所都将提供高效、经济、环保的选择。
Containerized modular structure, build with heavy-duty metal.
9 GRAGE seismic resistance
Wind resistance > 500m/s
Roof snow load capacity ≥2M"
Size and layout are fully customizable
Modular design allows for easy expansion and stacking
GeneralAire@ Negative pressure system reduces virus transmission risk
Ventilation rate: 800m³/h, Air changes per hour (ACH): 20
Noise level: 55dB
Air purification: 99.99% efficiency in filtering 0.3μm aerosol particles
Virus inhibition/deactivation rate: > 99.99%
Tailored dimensions to suit specific space requirements
Exterior appearance customizable for brand identity or project integration
Interior configuration can be personalized to meet different medical needs
This versatile and rapid medical unit allows flexible deployment and independent medical protection for various applications. With its customizable features, it provides a tailor-made solution to cater to unique medical facility demands.
Container Fever Outpatient Clinic: Safe & Efficient. Separate room prevents infections. GA's negative pressure system curtails spread, meets CDC standards. Robust modular structure withstands harsh weather.
Containerized modular structure with heavy-duty metal construction.
9 GRAGE seismic resistance, wind resistance > 500m/s, and roof snow load capacity ≥2M".
Fully customizable size and layout, allowing for easy expansion and stacking.
GeneralAire@ Negative pressure system reduces virus transmission risk.
Ventilation rate: 800m³/h, Air changes per hour (ACH): 20, Noise level: 55dB.
Air purification: 99.99% efficiency in filtering 0.3μm aerosol particles.
Virus inhibition/deactivation rate: > 99.99%.
Layout and configurations tailored to your needs, including independent restrooms, equipped with patient beds, and various sizes and appearances.
Swiftly deployed, stacked, and transformed into large-scale field hospitals, offering crucial medical resources during emergencies and outbreaks.
Safe & Efficient Modular Mobile Medical Shelters equipped with advanced infection control, including "negative pressure air systems" and "ozone air generators," safeguard healthcare workers.
Our shipping container-based vaccination units can be extended to a walk-through vaccination units with dedicated registration, vaccination, and recovery zones. Designed for easy transport on trucks, these mobile medical units can be stationed in public spaces like shopping centers, schools, and sports buildings, enabling efficient and widespread vaccination efforts. Complete universal vaccination in record time with our versatile and accessible solution.
Our shipping container-based vaccination room ensures maximum safety with integrated negative pressure and air filters. Tailored to your vaccination needs, it enables the swift implementation of mass immunization programs, like COVID-19 vaccination.
Containerized modular structure with heavy-duty metal construction.
9 GRAGE seismic resistance, wind resistance > 500m/s, and roof snow load capacity ≥2M"".
Fully customizable size and layout, allowing for easy expansion and stacking.
GeneralAire@ Negative pressure system reduces virus transmission risk.
Ventilation rate: 800m³/h, Air changes per hour (ACH): 20, Noise level: 55dB.
Air purification: 99.99% efficiency in filtering 0.3μm aerosol particles.
Virus inhibition/deactivation rate: > 99.99%.
Layout and configurations tailored to your needs, including independent restrooms, equipped with patient beds, and various sizes and appearances.
Swiftly deployed, stacked, and transformed into large-scale field hospitals, offering crucial medical resources during emergencies and outbreaks.
Rapid Isolation Solution for Outbreaks: Equipped with isolation beds to prevent cluster outbreaks or serve as temporary patient rooms. Optional toilets or bathrooms for comprehensive patient care.
Containerized modular structure with heavy-duty metal construction.
9 GRAGE seismic resistance, wind resistance > 500m/s, and roof snow load capacity ≥2M"""".
Fully customizable size and layout, allowing for easy expansion and stacking.
GeneralAire@ positive pressure system, the polluted air outside cannot enter the room.
Layout and configurations tailored to your needs, including independent restrooms, equipped with patient beds, and various sizes and appearances.
Swiftly deployed, stacked, small-size convenience to put in shops, streets, mail, and other small places. achieving quick nationwide inspections during infectious disease outbreaks.
Mobile infectious testing units feature with positive pressure systems, catering to COVID-19 and infectious disease testing. 100% factory-prefabricated for swift deployment, starting from 10 feet in size, and adaptable to small spaces.
Negative air pressure,
Positive air pressure
European Union Patent | STOP Infectious Disease Award |
SDG 3: Health & Well-Being |
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production |